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General Health

Parents or Ambulance: How a Child Reaches an ER Could Matter

TUESDAY, Oct. 15, 2024 (HealthDay News) — It’s natural for a parent to bundle an injured child into a car and rush their

Finess & Exercise

Choosing the Right Rehab for Yourself or a Loved One

SATURDAY, Oct. 12, 2024 (HealthDay News) — You’ve broken a hip and rehabilitation is part of the way back to mobility, or your

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Men’s Health

Dad’s Epilepsy Med Use Won’t Harm His Kids: Study

FRIDAY, Sept. 20, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Would-be dads don’t have to worry that taking the epilepsy drug valproate will

Certain Prostate Meds Might Help Prevent Dementia

WEDNESDAY, June 20, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Prostate medications might help reduce the risk of a specific type of dementia,

Dad Plays Role in His Infant’s Microbiome

WEDNESDAY, June 12, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Dads appear to make a small but important contribution to a newborn baby’s

Health & Technology

General Health

Multiple flexible User Options

Utque orbis sed faecis. Caeleste semine fabricator facientes cesserunt sunt triones. Os terra deducite ignea ponderibus opifex quia sata. Securae mundo pulsant inter.

Aliis undas boreas deducite quarum fert. Securae mundo pulsant inter moderantum scythiam naturae. Os terra deducite ignea ponderibus opifex mundo quia sata.

Finess & Exercise

Flexible and User Friendly

Utque orbis sed faecis. Caeleste semine fabricator facientes cesserunt sunt triones. Os terra deducite ignea ponderibus opifex quia sata. Securae mundo pulsant inter.

Aliis undas boreas deducite quarum fert. Securae mundo pulsant inter moderantum scythiam naturae. Os terra deducite ignea ponderibus opifex mundo quia sata.

Men's Health

Robust and Secure coding

Utque orbis sed faecis. Caeleste semine fabricator facientes cesserunt sunt triones. Os terra deducite ignea ponderibus opifex quia sata. Securae mundo pulsant inter.

Aliis undas boreas deducite quarum fert. Securae mundo pulsant inter moderantum scythiam naturae. Os terra deducite ignea ponderibus opifex mundo quia sata.

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