TUESDAY, Aug. 31, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Along with other dangers, the aftermath of Hurricane Ida could pose significant heart health risks. Stress and trauma from the storm that slammed into Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and other states could increase heart risk, and the impact may be more significant for heartContinue Reading

Here are some of HealthDay’s top stories for Tuesday, Aug. 31: COVID vaccines’ power to keep elderly out of hospital may fade. New research from the CDC finds the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines to keep people over 75 out of the hospital does wane with time, although by the endContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Aug. 31, 2021 (HealthDay News) — The ability of COVID-19 vaccines to protect adults older than 75 against hospitalization appears to wane over time, but still remained 80% effective as of the end of July, new federal data shows. The same data indicates that vaccines continued to offer theContinue Reading