Vitamin D supplements won’t lower older adults’ fracture rates. Seniors who take the nutrient to improve their bone health and ward off fractures are just wasting their time and money, a major new study has found. Read more Rare, deadly bacterial infection is now in United States. B. pseudomallei hasContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, July 27, 2022 (HealthDay News) — A federal lawsuit out of Texas could end access to free lifesaving preventive health care services for nearly 168 million people in the United States with private insurance, a new report suggests. Kelley v. Becerra seeks to overturn the Affordable Care Act (ACA)Continue Reading

WEDNESDAY, July 27, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Researchers have long suspected that humans evolved to tolerate dairy products in order to reap their health benefits. Now a new study refutes that idea. Around one-third of the world’s population possesses a gut enzyme that allows them to digest lactose, a sugarContinue Reading