CDC expected to loosen U.S. mask guidance on Friday. The move comes after the agency shifts its focus from community COVID-19 case numbers to the numbers of hospitalizations and local hospital capacity. Read more Is a cure for type 1 diabetes near? Science could be getting closer, as researchers honeContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Feb. 25, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Headphones have a much greater impact on listeners than external speakers because they put voices “inside your head,” a new study explains. “Headphones produce a phenomenon called in-head localization, which makes the speaker sound as if they’re inside your head,” said study co-authorContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Feb. 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) — An increase in telemedicine during the pandemic and easier access to prescription drugs to end a pregnancy may help explain why more than half of U.S. abortions are now done with a combination of medicines instead of surgery, researchers report. The percentage ofContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Feb. 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Extreme heat from climate change is making it harder for people with mental illness and drug addiction to cope and adding to pressure on pandemic-stretched U.S. emergency rooms. During these severe summer temperature spikes, Americans with depression, anxiety, mood disorders and drug addictionContinue Reading