FRIDAY, Jan. 21, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Herd immunity against COVID-19 is unlikely, and coping with the disease will likely hinge on vaccination, treatment and ensuring adequate hospital capacity, a new study conducted in Los Angeles County claims. With herd immunity, most people have antibodies from vaccination or prior infection,Continue Reading

FRIDAY, Jan. 21, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Some arthritis drugs may reduce the effectiveness of COVID vaccines, according to the Arthritis Foundation, which also offers advice on booster shots. Research is limited, but evidence suggests that disease-modifying drugs used for arthritis may reduce the response of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccinesContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Jan. 21, 2022 (HealthDay News) — If you or someone you know has suffered a concussion, a medical evaluation is crucial, an expert says. A concussion is “a short-lived functional brain injury typically caused by a bump or blow to the head,” Cleveland Clinic concussion specialist Dr. Richard FiglerContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Jan. 20, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Having a child with type 1 diabetes can be a challenging health condition for parents to manage, but new research suggests an “artificial pancreas” system may beat standard treatment in controlling the blood sugar disease in young children. Forms of the technology —Continue Reading

THURSDAY, Jan. 20, 2022 (HealthDay News) — In another breakthrough for animal-to-human organ transplantation, U.S. researchers say they’ve transplanted two genetically modified pig kidneys into a living human. The recipient was Jim Parsons, 57, a brain-dead man on life support whose family agreed to allow the surgical team at theContinue Reading