WEDNESDAY, Jan. 19, 2022 (HealthDay News) — For many people undergoing total hip or knee replacement, same-day surgery is a safe option, new research shows. Among folks in overall good health, the study of nearly 1.8 million patients found similar post-op complication rates among those who had outpatient joint replacementContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 19, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Homelessness is difficult enough, but when it’s compounded by serious mental health issues the result can be an inability to function at even the most basic level. Sometimes that leads to round-the-clock involuntary hospitalization, and when that happens a state-appointed psychiatric conservator canContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 19, 2022 (American Heart Association News) — The way freelance photographer Donna Dymally sees it, snapping pictures imparts important life lessons. “Focus on what’s important, and if you don’t like the shot, take another one,” she said. “We develop from the negative, just like a photo.” That attitudeContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 19, 2022 (HealthDay News) — If COVID-19 vaccines and medicines are shared equally worldwide, the pandemic could ease this year, a top World Health Organization official said Tuesday. However, if wealthier countries don’t share their resources with poorer countries, there will continue to be high rates of deathsContinue Reading

Kids with COVID-linked condition recover heart function. The rare but serious inflammatory condition called MIS-C can strike kids weeks after they’ve recovered from their COVID infection. But new data now shows that children tend to recover completely from any heart injury within three months of falling ill. Read more BidenContinue Reading