MONDAY, Jan. 3, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Check your packaged salad greens: More than a dozen people have been infected by a strain of E. coli in six U.S. states, health officials report. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a food safety alert linking the outbreak toContinue Reading

MONDAY, Jan. 3, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Many parents struggle with the decision to let their kids play tackle football or other contact sports due to the risk of concussions and long-term brain diseases that may occur with repeated head blows. Now, new research suggests that head trauma and concussionsContinue Reading

MONDAY, Jan. 3, 2022 (HealthDay News) — An international trial found that a once-a-day antiretroviral medication for kids with HIV is not only cheap and easy to take, but also better at suppressing HIV than standard treatments. “Our findings provide strong evidence for the global rollout of dolutegravir for childrenContinue Reading

Study finds no link between youth tackle football and brain deficits. Many parents struggle with the decision to let their kids play tackle football due to the risk of concussions. Now, research suggests that head trauma isn’t linked to problems with memory, attention, processing speed or behavior in 9- toContinue Reading