WEDNESDAY, Nov. 3, 2021 (American Heart Association News) — When then-college student Lumiere Rostick learned their grandfather, who had dementia, needed help, Rostick volunteered to move in with him. Rostick, whose pronouns are they/them/their, worked on remote college classes and in between helped their grandmother clean and cook, as wellContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Nov. 3, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Wine lovers, beer drinkers and those who enjoy a martini now and then have long been told that moderate drinking beats total abstinence. Unfortunately, new German research is throwing some cold water on that advice, finding that premature death among non-drinkers is likelyContinue Reading

Study refutes notion that a little drinking is healthy. For years, data has suggested that a glass or so each day of wine, beer or other alcohol might be better for your health than not drinking at all. But new German research casts doubt on the idea. Read more WomenContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Nov. 2, 2021 (HealthDay News) — The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday backed the emergency use of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine among kids ages 5-11. First, the CDC’s vaccine advisory panel voted unanimously to recommend the approval. Hours later, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky signed offContinue Reading