MONDAY, Dec. 31, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Alcohol. It’s a fixture at New Year’s parties, but it’s also is a calorie guzzler — one drink can eat up 10 percent or more of a dieter’s daily allotment, depending on how fanciful the beverage is. And there are other ways boozeContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Dec. 28, 2018 (HealthDay News) — If you’re thinking about making some health-related resolutions for 2019, the American Medical Association (AMA) has some suggestions. “This is the perfect time of year for each of us to consider our personal goals, and how we can make positive health choices inContinue Reading

(HealthDay News) — Alcohol use has been associated with cancers of the mouth, throat, voice box, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum and breast, the American Cancer Society says. The society describes how alcohol can affect the body, noting that the more you drink, the higher your risk: Alcohol can damage bodilyContinue Reading

MONDAY, Oct. 29, 2018 (HealthDay News) — People directly exposed to the World Trade Center terrorist attacks appear at increased risk of drug- and alcohol-related death, a new study finds. “Following a major disaster, alcohol- and drug-related mortality may be increased,” said Dr. Jim Cone and colleagues of the NewContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Sept. 5, 2018 (HealthDay News) — U.S. voters’ despair over poor health and premature deaths might have tipped the 2016 presidential election in Donald Trump’s favor, a new analysis argues. Counties that voted Republican more heavily had a 15 percent higher age-adjusted death rate than counties that voted heavilyContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Aug. 29, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Teen boys who drink may raise their risk for aggressive prostate cancer decades later, a preliminary study suggests. Compared to non-drinkers, men who reported having at least one alcoholic drink a day between ages 15 and 19 had more than triple the oddsContinue Reading