For Infertility Treatment, Should He Drink Less Coffee, More Booze?
Study suggests male beverage consumption affects in vitro fertilization resultsContinue Reading
Study suggests male beverage consumption affects in vitro fertilization resultsContinue Reading
Men in particular would benefit from 5 lifestyle practices, researchers sayContinue Reading
And the risk of sexually transmitted infection climbs with more drinking, research suggestsContinue Reading
The liquid social lubricant seems to foster ‘contagious’ grinning among guysContinue Reading
Study found adolescents were more likely to smoke, drink, have poor grades after bad concussionContinue Reading
Study authors say it’s not clear why physical activity and alcohol appear linkedContinue Reading
How soon teen gets drunk after trying first drink also raises risk, researchers reportContinue Reading
Study: Where smoking declines, so does consumption of beer, hard liquorContinue Reading
How soon teen gets drunk after trying first drink also raises risk, researchers reportContinue Reading
Study: Where smoking declines, so does consumption of beer, hard liquorContinue Reading
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