Flushed Complexion After Drinking Could Point to High Blood Pressure Risk
Response could signal vulnerability for alcohol-linked blood pressure trouble, study foundContinue Reading
Response could signal vulnerability for alcohol-linked blood pressure trouble, study foundContinue Reading
Men and the middle-aged vulnerable, possibly because of bigger responsibilities at homeContinue Reading
Number of alcohol advertisements exceeds the industry’s own voluntary guidelines, experts sayContinue Reading
Number of alcohol advertisements exceeds the industry’s own voluntary guidelines, experts sayContinue Reading
Survey found teens are getting message about dangers of alcoholContinue Reading
Drivers who are younger or paid less more likely to be users, international review foundContinue Reading
Study suggests practice may lead to slippery slope of alcohol problemsContinue Reading
Study suggests practice may lead to slippery slope of alcohol problemsContinue Reading
A glass of wine at a restaurant may be 50 percent more potent than you think, experts warnContinue Reading
A glass of wine at a restaurant may be 50 percent more potent than you think, experts warnContinue Reading
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