It’s a Food Allergy! Where’s the School Nurse?
MONDAY, Sept. 18, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Many students who suffer a severe allergic reaction at school get potentially lifesaving epinephrine injections from unlicensed staff or other students, not a school nurse, a new study finds. “The findings highlight the importance of having a supply of epinephrine available in schools,Continue Reading
Health Tip: Preventing Food Allergies While Dining Out
Don’t forget about beveragesContinue Reading
The Best Way to Diagnose a Food Allergy
Oral food challenges are safe and rarely result in a serious reaction, researchers sayContinue Reading
Serious Reactions to Vaccines Rarely Recur: Review
Findings add to evidence of safety of childhood immunizations, pediatricians sayContinue Reading
How to Fight Fall Allergies
Take medication before symptoms flare, reduce mold exposure and avoid pollen, allergy expert saysContinue Reading
Too Few Children Get EpiPen When Needed: Study
First-line treatment for severe allergic reaction is often neglectedContinue Reading
Shortage of Bee, Wasp Venom Stings Those With Allergies
Facing expected season-long shortage, doctors urge patients to carry EpiPens just in caseContinue Reading
Is Your Child’s ‘Penicillin Allergy’ Real?
Follow-up of 100 kids found none were allergicContinue Reading