Think You’re Allergic to Penicillin? Check Again
Some people outgrow their allergy and others may have been misdiagnosed, doctor explainsContinue Reading
The Etiquette of Achoo!
Cover your sneeze to protect those around you, health experts adviseContinue Reading
New Guidelines Urge Early Intro to Peanut Products in High-Risk Infants
Change in recommendations based on results of groundbreaking trialContinue Reading
Mice May Be Key to Kids’ Asthma Attacks at School
Study suggests, but can’t prove, that rodent allergens could play a roleContinue Reading
Food Allergies Among Kids Vary by Race: Study
Researchers find blacks and Hispanics more likely to be allergic to corn and shellfish, for instanceContinue Reading
Food Allergies Among Kids Vary by Race: Study
Researchers find blacks and Hispanics more likely to be allergic to corn and shellfish, for instanceContinue Reading
Colleges Not Fully Prepared for Students With Food Allergies: Study
Lack of support programs to help them stay safe is a significant issue, allergists sayContinue Reading
How to Introduce Your Baby to Food Containing Peanuts
New guidelines coming soon from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and ImmunologyContinue Reading