Clean Home May Help Keep Kids’ Asthma in Check
Controlling allergens, household pollutants can reduce need for medication, pediatricians’ group saysContinue Reading
Controlling allergens, household pollutants can reduce need for medication, pediatricians’ group saysContinue Reading
Delivering small amounts of peanut protein boosted tolerance for about half of young patients in studyContinue Reading
Painted pumpkins let trick-or-treaters with food allergies know safe treats are availableContinue Reading
Suggestions to stem the sneezing
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But fewer than one-third tested positive for food allergies, study findsContinue Reading
Researchers aim to learn whether early exposure to allergens has a protective effectContinue Reading
Allergy specialist suggests existing guidelines on introducing foods may be outdatedContinue Reading
Odds rise even higher when kids have more than one food allergy, researchers sayContinue Reading
Study finds abnormality present in 10 percent of kids seems to undermine immune functionContinue Reading
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