THURSDAY, Nov. 4, 2021 (HealthDay News) — An experimental gene therapy to boost the effectiveness of the Parkinson’s drug levodopa yielded promising results in mice, researchers report. As the loss of dopamine-releasing neurons advances in late-stage Parkinson’s, levodopa is less able to ease movement problems caused by the disease, whichContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Oct. 21, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Nine of 10 patients with so-called “bubble boy” immune disease who received gene therapy about a decade ago are still disease-free, researchers report. The gene therapy was developed at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), to treat the rare and deadly immuneContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Oct. 12, 2021 (HealthDay News) — After knee replacement surgery, many patients experience a level of pain that has them reaching for prescription opioid painkillers. Now new research suggests that using acupuncture during the operation may help reduce that pain without raising the risk of addiction. “The opioid epidemicContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Sept. 16, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Multiple sclerosis (MS) patients undergoing a treatment that depletes a type of immune cell that fuels MS attacks still have a strong response to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, a new study finds. “The message from this study is clear — it is worthwhile forContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Aug. 20, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Men with chronic pain from prostate inflammation may get lasting relief from acupuncture, a new clinical trial finds. At issue is a condition known as chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome, in which the prostate gland becomes inflamed and nerves supplying the area areContinue Reading

THURSDAY, July 8, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Children tend to sleep less as they approach early adolescence, perhaps because of the pressures of homework and the presence of social media. Now, new research suggests that loss of precious slumber is not inevitable. The researchers found that a school-based program inContinue Reading

THURSDAY, July 1, 2021 (HealthDay News) — A gene therapy aimed at freeing the heart’s capacity for self-repair has shown early promise in an animal study. The study — done in pigs — found that the treatment approach was not only feasible, but also improved the animals’ heart function afterContinue Reading