MONDAY, March 1, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Spinal cord injuries can be devastating to the more than 17,000 Americans who suffer them each year. But many patients may have new reason for hope: Early research suggests infusions of stem cells could help them regain lost sensation and movement. These improvementsContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Jan. 28, 2021 (HealthDay News) — An experimental gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy shows promise, a small study suggests. The severe form of muscular dystrophy — which affects about one in 3,500 males born each year in the United States — causes muscles to progressively weaken and loseContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Jan. 22, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Not many people have had the opportunity to get the COVID-19 vaccine yet. But while you wait your turn, there are some steps you can take to give the vaccine — whichever brand you get — a boost when it’s available to you.Continue Reading

THURSDAY, Jan. 21, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Stem cell transplants may have long-lasting benefits for some people with aggressive cases of multiple sclerosis, a new study suggests. Italian researchers found that among 210 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients who received a stem cell transplant — with cells from their own bloodContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Jan. 19, 2021 (HealthDay News) — A promising step toward using retinal cell transplants to treat blindness is reported in a new study. Adult retinal stem cells from deceased human donors survived when they were transplanted into the eyes of non-human primates, according to the researchers. The cells wereContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Aug. 27, 2020 (HealthDay News) — People with the heart-rhythm disorder known as atrial fibrillation, or a-fib, may ease their symptoms with the help of a slower-paced yoga, a preliminary study finds. Researchers from India found that over 16 weeks of yoga sessions, a-fib patients saw their symptom episodesContinue Reading

THURSDAY, July 2, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Despite the existence of conventional medications to manage multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms, a majority of patients also rely on alternative therapies, including vitamins, exercise and marijuana, a new survey suggests. For the study, researchers at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland askedContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Mindfulness training may help counter the thinking and emotional difficulties caused by multiple sclerosis. In a small test study, people with multiple sclerosis (MS) who had four weeks of mindfulness training emerged with better emotional control and faster thinking. Multiple sclerosis is aContinue Reading