New Treatment Shows Promise for Crippling Knee Arthritis
Small study found single shot of patient’s own stem cells improved pain, mobilityContinue Reading
Small study found single shot of patient’s own stem cells improved pain, mobilityContinue Reading
More than $30 billion paid out-of-pocket for acupuncture, yoga, chiropractic care, supplementsContinue Reading
Toxic side effects of heavy chemo could limit use, researcher saysContinue Reading
But experts say finding is preliminary, didn’t include a control ‘sham’ treatmentContinue Reading
Tandem treatments might give survival edge to kids with neuroblastoma, researcher saysContinue Reading
Experimental procedure helped restore movement even a year post-stroke, small study findsContinue Reading
Experimental procedure helped restore movement even a year post-stroke, small study findsContinue Reading
Six-week class reduced fear of recurrence, fatigue and anxiety, researchers reportContinue Reading
Study found those who listened to relaxing tunes before procedure needed less sedationContinue Reading
‘Black salve’ made FDA’s fake cancer cures listContinue Reading
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