Belief in Acupuncture Key to Effect on Back Pain, Study Suggests
Doctor says finding illustrates power of placebo effectContinue Reading
Doctor says finding illustrates power of placebo effectContinue Reading
Small study found meditation improved sleep scores more than lessons on sleep habitsContinue Reading
More children, adults and seniors trying the ancient discipline, researchers reportContinue Reading
Testing is recommended, sinus imaging is not for hay feverContinue Reading
Testing is recommended, sinus imaging is not for hay feverContinue Reading
Small initial trial showed improvement for people with relapsing-remitting MSContinue Reading
Many physicians cite a lack of knowledge as a primary reason, survey findsContinue Reading
Cancer often linked to ‘bad luck,’ Hopkins researchers sayContinue Reading
Technique could treat these abnormalities elsewhere in the body, researchers sayContinue Reading
Experimental treatment kills off, then ‘resets’ the immune systemContinue Reading
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