FRIDAY, May 4, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Dementia can turn even the simple task of getting dressed into a Herculean ordeal. But an experimental automated system called “DRESS” might someday ease that challenge. Using available technology, the system might enable patients to dress themselves without a human assistant. A justContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, March 28, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Stigma surrounding Alzheimer’s disease may discourage Americans from learning about their risk and from joining clinical trials for potential new treatments, a small survey reveals. “We found that concerns about discrimination and overly harsh judgments about the severity of symptoms were most prevalent,”Continue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 14, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Brain plaques believed to contribute to Alzheimer’s disease melt away in mice when robbed of a key enzyme, researchers report. And the rodents’ intellectual function actually improved as their amyloid plaques dissolved from lack of beta-secretase (BACE1), an enzyme critical in the formationContinue Reading

(HealthDay News) — Severe weather, an earthquake, a fire or flood all present unique challenges for people with Alzheimer’s disease. Their impaired memory and reasoning severely limits their ability to act appropriately during a crisis, the National Institute on Aging says. If you are preparing an emergency kit for someoneContinue Reading