FRIDAY, June 4, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Methamphetamine users are at increased risk for physical and mental health problems as well as other substance use disorders, new research shows. Meth is an illegal and highly addictive stimulant drug that can harm organs such as the heart, lungs, liver and neurologicalContinue Reading

TUESDAY, June 1, 2021 (HealthDay News) — COVID survivors can relax when it comes to vaccination: A new study shows that getting immunized will not worsen any symptoms that linger long after infection, such as breathing difficulties, fatigue and insomnia. The encouraging takeaway is based on a small analysis thatContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, May 26, 2021 (HealthDay News) — If you land in the hospital with a COVID-19 infection, there’s a good chance you’ll still be suffering symptoms months later, researchers report. A wide swath of lingering health issues plagued more than 70% of these patients, investigators found. “Early on, we completelyContinue Reading

TUESDAY, May 25, 2021 (HealthDay News) — If you can’t stand broccoli, celery or kale, you may be a supertaster, and it just might protect you from COVID-19. Supertasters are folks who are highly sensitive to bitterness. They’re not only less likely to get COVID-19 than people who aren’t soContinue Reading

TUESDAY, May 18, 2021 (HealthDay News) — People suffering from severe obstructive sleep apnea are at a greater risk of catching COVID-19, a new study finds. But researchers at Kaiser Permanente Southern California also found that the longer patients used a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) mask while sleeping, theContinue Reading

THURSDAY, May 13, 2021 (HealthDay News) — An experimental injectable drug appears more versatile than existing medications in treating people with different forms of severe, hard-to-control asthma, clinical trial results show. There are many different types of asthma brought on by many different triggers, and a number of monoclonal antibodyContinue Reading