(HealthDay News) — Asbestos is a mineral fiber that is found in rock and salt. The fibers are strong and heat-resistant, so they have been used in construction materials for insulation and to prevent the spread of fire. But the fibers can be released into the air during demolition andContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, May 23, 2018 (HealthDay News) — When you fire up the grill for your Memorial Day cookout, beware: Those tantalizing aromas hold an underestimated health risk. Grilling meats at a high temperature can produce cancer-causing compounds called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). You can be exposed to significant PAH levelsContinue Reading

(HealthDay News) — If you have asthma, the same triggers may be causing your attacks each time, so it’s important to know what those triggers are. Common triggers include: tobacco smoke, dust mites, air pollution, pets and molds, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. The CDC saysContinue Reading