SATURDAY, Sept. 7, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Moderate exercise is known to improve blood pressure — and that may include activities that are more exotic than a brisk walk, two preliminary studies suggest. In one, researchers found that “hot” yoga classes lowered blood pressure in a small group of peopleContinue Reading

SATURDAY, Sept. 7, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Intensive treatment to lower high blood pressure can decrease older adults’ risk of sharp blood pressure drops that can cause dizziness and increase the likelihood of falling, a new study says. It included more than 2,800 patients, average age 63, who had recentlyContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Aug. 8, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Want to reduce your risk of dementia? Take care of your heart. That’s the takeaway from a new study that suggests good heart health in middle age could lower your odds for problems with thinking and memory later in life. The study includedContinue Reading

MONDAY, July 1, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Infants and young children with vitamin D deficiency may have a heightened risk for elevated blood pressure later in childhood and in their teens, a new study finds. Researchers followed 775 children in Boston from birth to age 18. Most were from low-incomeContinue Reading