Creepy Creatures Can Be Medical Marvels, Too
How modern medicine uses leeches, snakes, maggots and more to save livesContinue Reading
How modern medicine uses leeches, snakes, maggots and more to save livesContinue Reading
Heart group says single, less educated people too often forgo this key means of tracking their healthContinue Reading
One critical trait emerged when researchers reviewed smoking and drinking habits, weight, diet and exerciseContinue Reading
Study suggests so, but heart expert questions the findingContinue Reading
Diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking may set you up for Alzheimer’s, research suggestsContinue Reading
Diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking may set you up for Alzheimer’s, research suggestsContinue Reading
Blood pressure and fluid retention improve in those counseled by dietitians, small study showsContinue Reading
With February designated National Heart Month, now is a good time to get checked, treatedContinue Reading
With February designated National Heart Month, now is a good time to get checked, treatedContinue Reading
Recommended 150 minutes of moderate activity weekly cut odds by almost 25 percent in studyContinue Reading
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