Hispanics, Blacks Less Likely to Get High Blood Pressure Treatment: Study
Less than half from any group had BP under good controlContinue Reading
Less than half from any group had BP under good controlContinue Reading
Less than half from any group had BP under good controlContinue Reading
Half of mobile clinic patients with the condition said they didn’t know they had it, study findsContinue Reading
And health risks may appear even at levels once considered safe, researchers contendContinue Reading
And health risks may appear even at levels once considered safe, researchers contendContinue Reading
People who added this practice to a healthy lifestyle saw their pressure levels drop, study foundContinue Reading
Young, lean patients can have high blood pressure that’s not caught during regular exams, study finds
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Young, lean patients can have high blood pressure that’s not caught during regular exams, study finds
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Small study found lack of sleep affected blood pressure, heart rate in healthy volunteersContinue Reading
Most of the burden lies in poorer nations and not the U.S. and other wealthy countries, study findsContinue Reading
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