When Winter Fun Isn’t So Fun
Sledding, skating, skiing and other cold weather activities all carry a potential risk of harmContinue Reading
Sledding, skating, skiing and other cold weather activities all carry a potential risk of harmContinue Reading
Yearly testing will prevent some lung cancer deaths, experts concludeContinue Reading
U.S. agencies countering with roadside detection, ignition-lock laws, new blood-alcohol technologyContinue Reading
Consultation with geriatrician in hospital linked with greater return to independence in studyContinue Reading
Review tied etomidate to higher risk of death and heart problems compared to propofolContinue Reading
Three studies find the supplements don’t help extend life or ward off heart disease and memory lossContinue Reading
If physicians are more likely to opt for this type of care for themselves, they’re more likely to discuss itContinue Reading
If physicians are more likely to opt for this type of care for themselves, they’re more likely to discuss itContinue Reading
Lack of awareness was most common reason cited for not having a living willContinue Reading
Either safety straps aren’t working or adults don’t use them properly, researchers sayContinue Reading
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