Blood Pressure Meds Lower Heart, Stroke Risks in Diabetics: Analysis
Patients did better even if they didn’t actually have high blood pressureContinue Reading
Patients did better even if they didn’t actually have high blood pressureContinue Reading
Study found high levels of substance linked to inflammation in caregivers who felt anger, blameContinue Reading
Findings could help families prepare and aid in end-of-life care choicesContinue Reading
After 7 years of follow-up, researchers found smokers’ odds of dying twice as highContinue Reading
They also have highest death rate among those with HIV, despite the rate declining, reports sayContinue Reading
Study finds significant increase in symptoms, despite efforts to improve end-of-life careContinue Reading
Doctors should not prescribe spironolactone with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, study saysContinue Reading
But researchers can’t pinpoint why they outlived Republicans, Democrats over 30 yearsContinue Reading
They were twice as likely to see disease spread, die from illnessContinue Reading
Men were particularly vulnerable in 12-year follow-upContinue Reading
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