Pacemakers Common for Those With Dementia and Irregular Heartbeats
Study couldn’t explain why more dementia patients had operation, though families’ wishes likely a factorContinue Reading
Study couldn’t explain why more dementia patients had operation, though families’ wishes likely a factorContinue Reading
Just 5 to 10 minutes a day seems to bring benefits, study saysContinue Reading
Study couldn’t explain why more dementia patients had operation, though families’ wishes likely a factorContinue Reading
Preventing older people from developing additional illnesses may boost life expectancy, researcher saysContinue Reading
Odds of dying prematurely 50 percent higher in adults who’d lost a parent in childhood, researchers reportContinue Reading
Deaths from AIDS-related causes, heart disease and liver disease have all droppedContinue Reading
Overuse of these drugs in hospice patients raises concerns about side effects, other issuesContinue Reading
But, rate of brain attacks among those younger than 65 unchangedContinue Reading
Men with both conditions have worse survival odds, study contendsContinue Reading
As weight climbs, so do related deaths from heart disease, diabetes and cancer, researchers sayContinue Reading
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