(HealthDay News) — Gum disease is a common problem that can lead to bad breath, swollen gums and tooth loss if untreated. Most people don’t show signs of gum disease until they’re in their 30s or 40s. But getting older doesn’t automatically mean you’ll get gum disease. Daily dental careContinue Reading

(HealthDay News) — Dentures are false teeth that can be easily taken out or put back in a person’s mouth. While they’ll never feel exactly like a person’s real teeth, they’ll make it easier for a person to eat, and will fill space that was once occupied by actual pearlyContinue Reading

(HealthDay News) — Your teeth are incredibly strong, and with the proper care and regular dental visits, you can keep them that way. The American Dental Association offers these “tooth truths”: Tooth enamel, which is 96 percent mineral, is the hardest substance in the body. Your teeth can exert anContinue Reading

(HealthDay News) — Chewing gum has been around since ancient times. Originally made from natural products, today’s gums are combinations of synthetic materials. Some chewing gums may help protect your teeth, the American Dental Association says. The organization says it grants its Seal of Acceptance to companies that provide scientificContinue Reading