Health Tip: Health Tip: Are Your Teeth in a Grind?
Suggestions for people who grind teethContinue Reading
Suggestions for people who grind teethContinue Reading
Report finds gaps in basic medical care, vaccines, and vision and hearing screeningsContinue Reading
The more physical, verbal aggression there was in the home, the more cavities parents and children hadContinue Reading
The more physical, verbal aggression there was in the home, the more cavities parents and children hadContinue Reading
American Academy of Pediatrics urges fluoride use on first teeth to prevent decayContinue Reading
Depression, dental problems, difficulty buying groceries among most common reasons, study findsContinue Reading
Expert advice is ‘unacceptably inconsistent,’ study findsContinue Reading
Some sodas, juices and sports drinks may harm young smilesContinue Reading
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