TUESDAY, May 4, 2021 (HealthDay News) — As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, breast cancer experts realized space in operating rooms and hospitals could become scarce. That meant rethinking standard care, to provide the best way to treat patients under these suddenly restricted conditions. One of the new ideas: Reverse theContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, April 28, 2021 (HealthDay News) — There’s some sobering news for the millions of Americans who skipped their second coronavirus vaccine dose: Doing so could greatly reduce their odds of avoiding severe illness. In a “real-world” study of 417 adults aged 65 or older who got either the PfizerContinue Reading

TUESDAY, April 27, 2021 (HealthDay News) — In rare cases, people hospitalized for COVID-19 can develop heart failure, even if their hearts were previously healthy, new research shows. The researchers found that of over 6,400 COVID-19 patients at their hospital, 0.6% newly developed heart failure. That included eight patients —Continue Reading

TUESDAY, April 20, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Long-term exposure to polluted air could increase the risk of severe COVID-19 in people with respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), new research shows. For the study, researchers at the University of Cincinnati examined the backgrounds and healthContinue Reading

FRIDAY, April 16, 2021 (HealthDay News) — While ER visits have stayed below normal levels as the coronavirus pandemic continues, the number of people showing up in the emergency department with mental woes is increasing, new federal government data shows. Between March 29 and April 25, 2020, visits to emergencyContinue Reading

THURSDAY, April 15, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Researchers have successfully introduced human stem cells into monkey embryos in the lab, creating short-lived hybrid organisms that could prove an important step in growing human transplant organs from livestock or creating better animal models for studying human disease. The human/monkey chimeras —Continue Reading

THURSDAY, April 15, 2021 (HealthDay News) — ‘Bleeding’ stroke patients with COVID-19 are more than twice as likely to die as those without COVID-19, new research shows. For the study, a research team from the University of Utah analyzed data from 568 hospitals in the United States. They compared aContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, April 14, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Exercise guards against a host of chronic diseases that can plague people as they age, but can it also protect against severe cases of COVID-19? New research suggests that’s so: Being physically active reduced COVID-19 patients’ risk of hospitalization, intensive care unit (ICU)Continue Reading

FRIDAY, April 9, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Doctors, nurses and other frontline health workers in U.S. emergency departments have struggled with significant mental health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new poll reveals. “As the nation moves into what many believe is a fourth wave of COVID, this study isContinue Reading