SATURDAY, Nov. 9, 2019 (HealthDay News) — A commonly prescribed muscle relaxant known as baclofen can leave older kidney patients so disoriented that they land in the hospital, a new study warns. “It can present with acute stroke-like symptoms, even though it’s not a stroke,” said senior researcher Dr. AmitContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Aug. 13, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Scheduled for surgery? Don’t forget to take your dentures out. According to a new report, one 72-year-old man who had abdominal surgery in England swallowed his dentures during the procedure. They got stuck in his throat — and were only discovered eight daysContinue Reading

TUESDAY, July 9, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Many more U.S. hospital patients suffer cardiac arrest than previously thought, a new study reveals. Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops beating. It differs from a heart attack, in which blood flow to the heart is blocked. This new analysis concluded thatContinue Reading

TUESDAY, July 9, 2019 (HealthDay News) — For the sick or elderly, a urinary tract infection (UTI) can prove deadly. With many vulnerable patients developing UTIs post-discharge, a new study suggests that better monitoring is needed after leaving the hospital. Researchers at Oregon State University explored more than 3,000 at-riskContinue Reading