Docs May Have Trick Up Their Sleeves Fighting Germs
White coats with shorter sleeves may be more sanitary, study findsContinue Reading
White coats with shorter sleeves may be more sanitary, study findsContinue Reading
Study found chances of lawsuits, large payouts weren’t higher when hospitals took responsibility for errorContinue Reading
But the readmission is usually for a different problem, study findsContinue Reading
Patients who receive these prescriptions are less likely to progress to long-term use, study showsContinue Reading
MONDAY, Sept. 18, 2017 (HealthDay News) — There has been a large increase in the number of young hospital patients in the United States who suffer harmful side effects from opioid painkillers, a new study says. The findings show an urgent need for safer pain medications for young patients, theContinue Reading
Researcher calls findings an emerging public health issueContinue Reading
Study finds more evidence of racial disparities in ERsContinue Reading
Study found the clothing as contaminated as traditional scrubs after 12-hour shiftsContinue Reading
Medical costs jumped more than $30,000 per patient in less than 10 years, study findsContinue Reading
They’re four times more likely to need more time in intensive care, three times more likely to be readmittedContinue Reading
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