Study IDs Effective Rx for Burned-Out Doctors
Shorter workdays, stress-management training can help the more than half of U.S. physicians affectedContinue Reading
Shorter workdays, stress-management training can help the more than half of U.S. physicians affectedContinue Reading
Patients treated at hospitals with better track records gained additional year of life, study findsContinue Reading
Dehydration, urinary tract infections force patients to return to hospital, study findsContinue Reading
Dehydration, urinary tract infections force patients to return to hospital, study findsContinue Reading
Infectious disease experts say multipronged approach is neededContinue Reading
‘Mystery shopper’ study shows staff at 1 in 10 facilities gave people misinformation on palliative care servicesContinue Reading
But study couldn’t determine why white male patients were more likely to get tPA in hospitalContinue Reading
But study couldn’t determine why white male patients were more likely to get tPA in hospitalContinue Reading
And they’re more likely to be transferred without getting treatment, study findsContinue Reading
Researchers call for clearer guidelines on treatment, follow-upContinue Reading
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