Arm Artery Access Safer for Angioplasty, Review Finds
When compared to using the groin artery, there were fewer bleeding events, death ratesContinue Reading
When compared to using the groin artery, there were fewer bleeding events, death ratesContinue Reading
Could help reduce the number of CT scans, and the radiation exposure they bring, experts sayContinue Reading
Suggestions include price controls on drugs and hospitals and doctors, importing drugs from other countriesContinue Reading
New song can help people recall symptoms and act quickly if one occurs, experts sayContinue Reading
Researchers aim to halt spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria found in hospitals and long-term care centersContinue Reading
People who fear being judged might avoid preventive services, study saysContinue Reading
As great a threat as antibiotic-resistant infections, doctors contendContinue Reading
But researchers say that education and practice can dramatically improve health care worker hygieneContinue Reading
Illness can lower blood pressure, lead to dizziness, researchers sayContinue Reading
Lack of knowledge can affect outcomes, chances of second strokes, survey authors sayContinue Reading
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