Half of U.S. Hospitals Could Do More to Prevent Serious Infections, Study Finds
Although many precautions are in place, not enough centers set strict antibiotic limitsContinue Reading
Although many precautions are in place, not enough centers set strict antibiotic limitsContinue Reading
Giving patients drug that helps ease withdrawal works better than simple referrals, experts sayContinue Reading
Study also finds education level, hospital linked to odds of death in month after operationContinue Reading
Big variation seen in prescribing rates, despite little difference in infection rates
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British study finds fivefold jump in admissions, especially for the youngest, poorest patientsContinue Reading
No difference in outcomes between use of fresher or older red cells, researchers reportContinue Reading
And they die an average of 8 years earlier than those with no drinking problem, study showsContinue Reading
Chemotherapy fees can be 43 times more than those for insured patients, study findsContinue Reading
Chemotherapy fees can be 43 times more than those for insured patients, study findsContinue Reading
And they die an average of 8 years earlier than those with no drinking problem, study showsContinue Reading
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