Cooling After Cardiac Arrest May Help Preserve Brain Function
Study finds reducing body temperature slightly tied to good mental outcomesContinue Reading
Study finds reducing body temperature slightly tied to good mental outcomesContinue Reading
Investigator refutes prior findings about surge in patientsContinue Reading
Investigator refutes prior findings about surge in patientsContinue Reading
CDC study finds fewer patients treated in ERs for blood clots in the brainContinue Reading
Study found 97 percent said they had patients undergo procedures that weren’t medically neededContinue Reading
1 in 9 wound up back in ER, California study foundContinue Reading
But study doesn’t look at real-life casesContinue Reading
Canadian study found no significant difference in outcomes when compared to fresh bloodContinue Reading
Poorly cleaned devices implicated in infections at two Los Angeles hospitalsContinue Reading
Delays in filing findings on new treatments mean patients aren’t informed, researcher saysContinue Reading
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