ICU-Related Depression Often Overlooked, Study Finds
One-third of patients exhibit physical symptoms, not the usual mood behaviorsContinue Reading
One-third of patients exhibit physical symptoms, not the usual mood behaviorsContinue Reading
Hospitalized patients who’d been on mechanical ventilators were studied up to 2 years after dischargeContinue Reading
Despite guidelines against prescribing powerful painkillers for these patients, the trend has grownContinue Reading
Common practice might instead cause harm, study findsContinue Reading
Study found hospitalizations for heart disease, stroke dipped after Michigan passed workplace smoking banContinue Reading
Specific source of dangerous germs still unclear in about half of casesContinue Reading
Fallout from stressful events can linger a long time, study suggestsContinue Reading
Less-powerful drugs often better choice, depending on source of pain, doctors sayContinue Reading
Doctors say ‘electrolarynx’ eased frustration for patient on mechanical ventilatorContinue Reading
Researchers identify common risk factors doctors should watch forContinue Reading
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