Mouth and Gut Germs May Be Linked to Migraines
People who get the severe headaches have more nitrate-reducing microbes, researchers sayContinue Reading
People who get the severe headaches have more nitrate-reducing microbes, researchers sayContinue Reading
San Francisco patient spent 23 days in hospital after eating super-hot pepper in contestContinue Reading
Findings may help explain why the inflammatory bowel condition is so tough to treat, researchers sayContinue Reading
Unfortunately, the same diagnostic technique doesn’t work for humans, researchers sayContinue Reading
Belly pain and black or bloody stools should not be ignored, doctor saysContinue Reading
Belly pain and black or bloody stools should not be ignored, doctor saysContinue Reading
But, expert says age shouldn’t be only criterion for screening for colon cancerContinue Reading
For several arthritic and gastrointestinal conditionsContinue Reading
Study finds abnormality present in 10 percent of kids seems to undermine immune functionContinue Reading
‘Electroacupuncture’ led to symptom relief even 12 weeks after treatment, study findsContinue Reading
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