Genetically Modified Monkeys Might Aid Autism Research
Chinese scientists say the primates exhibit behaviors of disorder, could offer insight on how to treat itContinue Reading
Chinese scientists say the primates exhibit behaviors of disorder, could offer insight on how to treat itContinue Reading
Results might help doctors decide which patients need a stem cell transplant after chemoContinue Reading
Small group with stage 2 tumors might benefit from new screening test, study saysContinue Reading
People in certain countries more likely to have a gene variant linked to sensory pleasure, study finds
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Findings could help in battle against the eye diseaseContinue Reading
Researchers find naturally occurring ‘rewiring’ can forestall the mental illnessContinue Reading
Large review finds if one identical twin gets a cancer, the other is at increased risk for the disease as wellContinue Reading
And, a second team reports progress on a vaccine for the potentially fatal illnessContinue Reading
Finding might lead to ways to help prevent heart disease, diabetes in these patients, researchers sayContinue Reading
Study participants twice as likely to steal, vandalize, hurt others after witnessing substance useContinue Reading
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