When, Where Did Dogs Become Man’s Best Friend?
Research suggests ancient European hunters first bonded with canines, but debate continuesContinue Reading
Research suggests ancient European hunters first bonded with canines, but debate continuesContinue Reading
Small, early study found longer ‘telomeres’ in genes of patients with cholesterol and inflammation problemsContinue Reading
Physicians can add in other factors, such as family history or environment, in interpreting DNA findingsContinue Reading
Physicians can add in other factors, such as family history or environment, in interpreting DNA findingsContinue Reading
Condition destroys tissue much like mad cow disease, but is inherited and not infectiousContinue Reading
But experts question whether people responding to Harris/HealthDay poll understand broader impactContinue Reading
Researchers gain understanding of genetic changes that led to brain foldsContinue Reading
DNA changes appear to rise with more years of drug abuse, researchers sayContinue Reading
Relatives of those with disorder showed deficiencies on grammar, writing and vocabulary testsContinue Reading
Study analyzed fungus, bacteria from skin of patients with rare genetic disorderContinue Reading
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