THURSDAY, Feb. 3, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Following a bout of severe COVID-19, some children suffer lasting neurological complications, part of a rare condition called multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), a new study finds. The neurological symptoms are wide-ranging, and can include headaches, difficulty falling and staying asleep, daytimeContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 2, 2022 (HealthDay News) — A return to non-contact physical activity three days after a concussion is safe and possibly even beneficial for kids, a Canadian clinical trial finds. “Gone are the days of resting in a dark room,” said study co-author Andrée-Anne Ledoux, a scientist at theContinue Reading

MONDAY, Jan. 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) — The coronavirus can leave more than 40% of children hospitalized for COVID-19 with headaches and other lingering neurological symptoms, a new study claims. And the kids who developed these headaches or experienced an altered mental status known as acute encephalopathy were more likelyContinue Reading

MONDAY, Jan. 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) — When American kids do downhill skiing or snowboarding, they almost always wear a helmet, their parents say, but they’re far less likely to do so when cruising down a neighborhood hill on a sled. That puts them at risk for serious head injuries,Continue Reading

FRIDAY, Jan. 21, 2022 (HealthDay News) — If you or someone you know has suffered a concussion, a medical evaluation is crucial, an expert says. A concussion is “a short-lived functional brain injury typically caused by a bump or blow to the head,” Cleveland Clinic concussion specialist Dr. Richard FiglerContinue Reading