WEDNESDAY, May 3, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Medical marijuana can safely reduce cancer pain, and is apparently so effective that patients wind up taking lower amounts of opioids and other pain meds, a new study reports. Weed produced clinically significant reductions in cancer patients’ worst pain, average pain and overallContinue Reading

‘Harsh’ parenting can bring mental health harms to kids. In a new study, yelling and physical punishment were more likely than calm, consistent parenting to lead to emotional issues, researchers found. Read more Talking to your kids about school shootings. Following yet another tragedy, two children’s mental health experts fromContinue Reading

Pets could prevent food allergies in kids. Having a dog lowered the risk of egg, milk and nut allergies, while cats lowered the chances of egg, wheat and soybean allergies, new research shows. Read more Migraines may follow daily circadian patterns. Your body’s internal clock, and genes linked to itsContinue Reading

Too much time online might raise kids’ odds for mental health woes. A new study links excessive screen time to the mood disorders, and found brain changes that contribute to the disorders. Read more Flu ups short-term odds for heart attack 6-fold. Besides emphasizing the need for flu patients toContinue Reading