WEDNESDAY, Oct. 26, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Cronobacter sakazakii has been in the news as the cause of infant infections and the reason for a U.S. baby formula recall and resulting shortage this year. Infections are rare and the bacteria is harmless for most people. Yet it can be dangerousContinue Reading

Cases of infant RSV are swamping hospitals. What are the symptoms, treatments? While respiratory syncytial virus can just mean a common cold in most kids, some will develop very serious breathing problems that require medical attention. Read more Too often, women aren’t told of sexual side effects of cancer treatments.Continue Reading

As young doctors’ work hours rise, so do their odds for depression. Researchers found that among more than 17,000 first-year residents across the United States, average scores on a depression scale rose hand-in-hand with the number of hours worked each week. Read more Child danger: Almost half of parents keepContinue Reading

Your hospital room affects outcomes after surgery. A new study finds key factors about hospital rooms that are tied to higher or lower survival rates in the days or weeks after surgery. Read more Marijuana, meth, cocaine use may trigger dangerous a-fib. The heart arrhythmia increases the risk of stroke,Continue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Oct. 19, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Surgeons have long advised patients to stop smoking cigarettes for several weeks before their operations to lower the risk of complications. But what about weed? New research has found reason for worry: Marijuana users had higher infection rates after minimally invasive knee andContinue Reading

It doesn’t take much weight gain to raise your odds for knee trouble. A gain of just 11 pounds increases a woman’s odds of needing a knee replacement by one-third and a man’s by one-quarter, new research finds. Read more Good sleep could keep illness at bay as you age.Continue Reading

Over 1 million Americans ration insulin due to high cost. Many people delayed picking up their prescription, while others took lower doses than they needed, researchers found. Read more Along Eastern Seaboard, hurricanes getting bigger, wetter. Fast-building storms like Hurricane Ian outpace the best forecasting skills. Along with more quicklyContinue Reading