U.S. Oncologists Decry High Cost of Cancer Drugs
They suggest letting Medicare negotiate prices, back grassroots movement calling for changeContinue Reading
They suggest letting Medicare negotiate prices, back grassroots movement calling for changeContinue Reading
But survival advantage it showed in fixing bulging, weak spot diminished over timeContinue Reading
But survival advantage it showed in fixing bulging, weak spot diminished over timeContinue Reading
Eye drops may offer new approach for research, expert saysContinue Reading
Study can’t prove cause and effect, but saw dip in odds for people taking drugs such as Actos and AvandiaContinue Reading
Although most said they’d let their physician know if asked, survey findsContinue Reading
Those with Medicaid insurance tend to know less about the drugs, study findsContinue Reading
Allergic rash can have many causes; avoiding trigger is key to preventionContinue Reading
Small study found it helped half of those with tinnitusContinue Reading
Tissue from Japanese cadavers may provide new clues, researchers sayContinue Reading
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