Smoke-Free Laws May Help Prevent COPD Hospitalizations
Kentucky patients 22 percent less likely to need to be admitted in counties with stricter laws, study findsContinue Reading
Kentucky patients 22 percent less likely to need to be admitted in counties with stricter laws, study findsContinue Reading
Consumers should beware of false, misleading claims, says agency, which has issued warnings to makersContinue Reading
Study found having both unhealthy habits doubled risk of malignancy compared to having just oneContinue Reading
The controversial tools are used on emotionally disabled kids at a Mass. facilityContinue Reading
Agency meets Thursday to discuss outlawing tools used on emotionally disabled kidsContinue Reading
Opponents of the increasingly popular devices worry about their impact on childrenContinue Reading
Studies looked at improvements in ER, specially equipped ambulance that could deliver clot-busting drugContinue Reading
Saying no to surgery, radiation tied to better outcomes in study of abnormal brain connectionsContinue Reading
Saying no to surgery, radiation tied to better outcomes in study of abnormal brain connectionsContinue Reading
U.S. study shows geographic trends in use of complementary and alternative medicineContinue Reading
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