Keep Your Heart Healthy
Daily exercise, fruits and veggies, not smoking all help, cardiologist saysContinue Reading
Daily exercise, fruits and veggies, not smoking all help, cardiologist saysContinue Reading
Brain scans showed nicotine withdrawal weakens parts of the brain tied to ability to control cravingsContinue Reading
Two or three one-hour sessions a week reduced pain, improved functioning
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Scans showed less response to negative images of habit’s consequencesContinue Reading
Early research found 7 of 9 patients benefited from treatment with the ‘love’ hormoneContinue Reading
Experience raised depression risk as victim and aggressor moved into young adulthood, researchers reportContinue Reading
Agency is seeking patients suffering from chronic ‘ringing in the ears’Continue Reading
His long work hours may boost her health, study suggestsContinue Reading
In monkey studies, shots guarded against disease for human equivalent of up to three monthsContinue Reading
Some patients kept disease at bay for more than a year after last dose of nivolumabContinue Reading
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