WEDNESDAY, May 10, 2023 (American Heart Association News) — One hot day last June, Elmar Uy and his girlfriend, LJ Jennings, were gardening outside their home in Hudson, New Hampshire, when something strange happened. Everywhere Uy looked, he saw crescent-shaped spots. Jennings thought Uy might be dehydrated. She got himContinue Reading

FRIDAY, May 5, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Researchers think they’ve figured out why the COVID vaccine causes heart inflammation in an extremely small number of teenage boys — and what might be done to avoid it. The second dose of COVID vaccine appears to promote a severe inflammatory response inContinue Reading

FRIDAY, May 5, 2023 (HealthDay News) — While a lot of research has focused on autism in children, much less effort goes toward studying adults with autism. Now, two new reports find this group is at substantial risk for age-related physical conditions and injuries, as well as being particularly susceptibleContinue Reading