Keeping Blood Pressure Low Halves Risk of Second Stroke: Study
But less than one-third of survivors maintain consistently safe levelsContinue Reading
But less than one-third of survivors maintain consistently safe levelsContinue Reading
Experts call for palliative care to improve patients’ quality of lifeContinue Reading
Study found kids in special program had lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, weighed less in their 30sContinue Reading
But less than one-third of survivors maintain consistently safe levelsContinue Reading
Low levels raise odds for clogged arteries, preliminary results suggestContinue Reading
Tendency to eat more, exercise less when it’s cold and snowy outside may explain trendContinue Reading
Study found hospitalizations for heart disease, stroke dipped after Michigan passed workplace smoking banContinue Reading
Cases of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy — or ‘broken heart syndrome’ — jumped in Vermont, Missouri following natural disastersContinue Reading
Middle-aged male runners get a lot of health mileage out of race prep, study findsContinue Reading
It’s especially beneficial to those at risk of heart disease, researcher contendsContinue Reading
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