Half of People With High Blood Pressure Don’t Know It
Global study found problem in wealthy and low-income countries alikeContinue Reading
Global study found problem in wealthy and low-income countries alikeContinue Reading
International study shows cardiac patients more likely to take their drugs if they’re packaged togetherContinue Reading
Global study found problem in wealthy and low-income countries alikeContinue Reading
Less progress for Americans under 65, among other disparities reportedContinue Reading
It appears to improve blood fat levels and may aid weight loss, researchers reportContinue Reading
Evidence not found to support use of ‘ankle brachial index’ to gauge heart risksContinue Reading
Onglyza study reflects new cautious approach to oversight of diabetes medicines, experts sayContinue Reading
U.K. heart study halted early after multiple artery clearings showed strong resultsContinue Reading
But, moderate drinking might also just be sign of normal social life, researchers addContinue Reading
Even seniors without known cardiovascular disease may benefit, study suggests, but expert opinions varyContinue Reading
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