Testosterone Therapy May Boost Older Men’s Sex Lives
Gel hormone treatment led to improved libido and sexual function, study findsContinue Reading
Gel hormone treatment led to improved libido and sexual function, study findsContinue Reading
Researchers suspect low levels of spexin might play contributing roleContinue Reading
Researchers evaluate role of neurotensin in weight gainContinue Reading
Exercise also touted as an answer to ‘nocturia’Continue Reading
Study found a 23 percent increased risk compared to men who received other treatments, but overall risk relatively lowContinue Reading
Study found a 23 percent increased risk compared to men who received other treatments, but overall risk relatively lowContinue Reading
Since 2010, per-person costs topped spending on all other diabetes drugs combinedContinue Reading
Spritz of oxytocin could lead to eating less, researchers theorizeContinue Reading
Mouse study shows leptin disturbs communication between brain and insulin-producing pancreasContinue Reading
… But no benefits seen in areas of vitality or physical function, trials showContinue Reading
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